"A sensitive actor, you can't teach that." - Sanford Meisner
"You made me cry. Bravo, excellent." - Jay Bernstein, producer ('Starmaker', 'Mike Hammer')
"A leading man who can really act." - Larry Cohen writer/director ('Cellular', 'Phone Booth', 'It's Alive')
"Pure talent. Just cast him, he can do anything." - Lynn Mamet writer-producer ('Law and Order', 'The Unit')
"It's a treat to watch Kelly's work! His performance was powerful and multi-layered, with strong, thoughtful choices. Bravo!" - Billy DaMota CD (Colors, Above the Law, America's Most Wanted)
DRACULA: "...a rather hilarious John Wayne interpretation of the role." - Drama Logue ​
FALLEN EAGLE: "...a Kevin Costner look alike" - LA Weekly ​
THE JOB: "He has something that multitudes in Hollywood lack: pure talent." -​Lynn Mamet, writer-producer ​​​
ADAM AND THE EXPERTS: "...the most effective acting comes from Kelly Nelson..." - LA Weekly ​
ADAM AND THE EXPERTS: "Kelly Nelson plays the various 'experts', making each different from the other...a psycho pyschlogist, an alcoholic priest..."
THE JOB: "...then something wonderful happens, a cop named Bobby Fry...(Kelly Nelson)" - Daily Variety
THE JOB: "...does a solid job of capturing Bobby Fry's angst." - LA Weekly
FALLEN EAGLE: "the directioni drags down a fairly chilly portrayal of Lindberg" - Los Angeles Times
MODIGLIANI: "He's like a 'Michael Jordan' of acting..." - Publicity Whore Magazine​
LITANY - "A success, thanks mainly to a captivating performance by Kelly Nelson" - British Weekly
LITANY - Kelly Nelson convincingly plays an older, bitter actor... a surreal excursion." - LA Weekly
LITANY: "He is confronted by the contentious Art Kile (Kelly Nelson in a strong performance) a washed up actor... powerful..." - Drama Logue
NIAGARA FALLS: Most successful was NIAGARA FALLS, a play about marriage and murder with a fun, if predictable, twist, and an ingeniously created sky-diving sequence." - LA Weekly​
NIAGARA FALLS: "It is not clear who one-upped the other until the very last second...moves along at a fast pace." Drama-Logue ​
HARD ROAD HOME: benefits from the sure hand of Kelly Nelson in the directorial chair, helming both the material and the talent with the same deft touch visible in his other productions at the same venue." - British Weekly
HARD ROAD HOME: "Recommend" - Los Angeles Times ​
HARD ROAD HOME: "Akin in tone to, if not quite as focused as, Sam Shepherd's earlier work" - Backstage West​
HARD ROAD HOME: "Lurches from high-energy emotional peak to emotional peak." - Backstage West ​
HARD ROAD HOME: "What follows is an involving two hours of dramatic conflict and resolution full of unexpected mirth and a little dark violence." -​British Weekly
HARD ROAD HOME constantly reaches for new emotional beats." - Backstage West ​